Eldfast Ceramic Chimney Lining

In 2018 we became the only approved Eldfast Ceramic Chimney Lining specialists in the South West. As this is such a large area, we work with local chimney sweeps and installers to provide a first-rate service.


Eldfast is a superior product suitable for most chimney linings. Unlike some other re-lining procedures, Eldfast is non-invasive, which eliminates the need to make holes in your walls. There is also no necessity for you to move out of your home for an extended period. The procedure normally takes no longer than eight hours, with a few external remedial jobs the following day. Your fire will be safe to use that evening: this is in fact a requirement of the process.

A full 360-degree chimney scaffolding with winch ability is de rigueur for our safety and yours, along with easy access to a clean water supply and electricity.

Before getting to this stage, we always carry out a full site visit. This includes internal CCTV inspection, possible chemical treatment with power sweep, and an external stack inspection. The latter usually involves the drone. We can thus provide the most accurate costings and will confirm if Eldfast is the best possible solution.

Eldfast Site visit with CCTV from £244 including VAT

Book a visit today


Peace of mind

​Eldfast provides a permanent solution to ensuring your chimney is gas tight. Whether used as a stand alone product for open fires or in combination with other lining systems for wood burning stoves, you can be sure your chimney is ready for another 50-60 years of service.

  • 25 Year Guarantee.
  • Wholly Ceramic | Highly resistant to acid attack from combustion products.
  • Preserves cross section (size) of the flue | Reduces the chance of smoke back or opening size reduction requirements.
  • Suitable for all masonry flue types.
  • 50 – 60 year life expectancy.
  • Improves Chimney draught | Insulates and reduces turbulence.
  • Provides structural support.


Fire Proof

Eldfast is a ceramic chimney lining product making it not only highly resilient to high temperatures but fire proof as it will vitrify at 1400°c. The thermal transfer between through the material is so minimal that even when exposed to 700°c for 4 hours the temperature on the other side of only 4-5mm of the lining tested at 164°c.

Retains Building Design

​Eldfast conforms to the existing shape of the chimney with only a 4-5mm layer of material. This provides the optimum solution for open fires as not only does the chimney retain almost all its internal cross sectional area, but by removing the mortar snots within the chimney prior to lining turbulence and holding area for combustible materials is significantly reduced.

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